Power Automate Consulting: 5-Day Consultation

Diversified Robotic Inc.

To provide expert guidance and support on using the Power platform to develop solutions for end-users

Diversified Robotic has been on the leading edge of in-house and external deployment of Power Platform technology since its inception. We now provide this level of expertise with Power Automate to you as a service. We will assist you at all levels of the project life cycle, provide guidance and training for developers on low-code and flow features, and give clear direction on how to train end-users to get the maximum return from the solution.

Though specializing in healthcare and legal automation solutions, we are experienced in providing Power Automate solutions across various industries including manufacturing, food services, automative, and more.

You can also leverage our expertise as a white label service. Our native English speaking project managers are happy to interact with clients on your behalf (and under your brand) during discovery and beyond to ensure successful development and deployment of all your Power Automate projects.

At a glance