Modern Workplace Security Assessment : 5 Days


Our security experts can help you build a modern workplace, that’s secure by design, using Microsoft Enterprise Mobility + Security.

Don’t let security or compliance concerns be a barrier to achieving your modern workplace objectives.

Our Modern Workplace Security Assessment combines a comprehensive review of your security policies and regulatory requirements, with a security review of your existing Office 365 and Enterprise Mobility + Security configuration.

The engagement includes pre-workshop requirements gathering, key stakeholder workshops, an audit of existing Microsoft entitlements, a review of your existing security configuration and a risk analysis benchmarked on your desired security posture.

Our recommendations will show you how to mitigate your risks by activating and optimising the security and compliance features that are built-in to your Microsoft solutions.

Our documented report includes detailed recommendations on which security objectives can be achieved using existing entitlements and which objectives require additional capability. Our report provides an ideal foundation on which to base any future security investment decisions.

Our Modern Workplace Security Assessment helps clients to align their security architecture with their desired security posture, identify and mitigate risks and avoid security blockers from blocking or delaying the benefits associated with the delivery of digital transformation projects.

At a glance