Data Classification Taxonomy Workshop for up to 30 business unit consultations spanning 3 months

Cloud Essentials

Consultative process for building a Data Classification Taxonomy Workshop upon which to deploy Information Protection and advanced security and compliance capability. Spanning 3 months

This workshop is designed for organisations wanting to adopt Microsoft 365 labelling technology to classify, manage and protect their ever-increasing volume of sensitive content. Whilst the technology is available (and much can be automated) a successful labelling project needs two other foundational elements:

• a classification taxonomy that is defined, fit for purpose and everyone believes in • a communication strategy that brings the new approach to life and promotes proper usage

The challenge lies in having the capacity and expertise needed to navigate the process of bringing together existing classification work, capturing the needs of multiple functions, defining a clear taxonomy and then flowing it down successfully though technology and the user base.
Building a classification taxonomy is a niche area of expertise for Cloud Essentials, where organisations can take advantage of a consultant that specialises in this and has been through the process many times before. It’s a well-trodden path to landing a taxonomy where the methodology is inclusive to key stakeholders and business units to promote ‘buy-in’. Once the taxonomy is approved we will then scope design and deployment services to assist in implementation across Microsoft 365. The workshop involves

  1. Planning and review of existing documentation, environment, requirements and any previous attempts at labelling
  2. Pre-consultation questionnaires from 30 business units/identified user groups
  3. Consulting workshops to capture regulatory and other requirements for classification
  4. Consolidation of information
  5. Delivery of a taxonomy
  6. Setting up for implementation and user communication (change management)
  7. Transition to Microsoft 365 design & deployment of security and compliance features, and best practice use of labelling

This listing if for a large enterprise that needs up 30 business units included where the project to land a comprehensive taxonomy could span up to 3 months.

Week 1 Project brief and kick-off Project planning Reviews of documentation, org structure, existing content, processes, environment Week 2-4 Pre-requisites session Develop, agree and review the Statement of Work Questionnaire build and review Workshops planning session Weeks 5-10 Preparation and deliverable effort for up to 30 workshop consultations Weeks 10-12 Consolidation of information Deployment team briefing and requirements Reporting (final feedback) Change management and user communications plan

At a glance