RPA Discovery & Delivery


Automate key business processes using Microsoft Power Automate, to reduce manual overheads and improve productivity.

Do you have processes that are:

  • Highly manual?
  • Repetitive and rule-based?
  • Preventing your employees from focusing on value-added tasks?

As a result of this engagement, you can expect:

  1. Streamlined Processes: Reduction of manual, repetitive tasks through effective automation.
  2. Enhanced Efficiency: Bots running 24/7 to handle routine tasks, freeing up your employees to focus on higher-value activities.
  3. Clear ROI: Detailed analysis and proof of the return on investment for each implemented automation.
  4. Seamless Implementation: Prioritization, development, and deployment of automation solutions with ongoing support to ensure smooth operation.

Our Approach:

  1. Inform (Visibility & Allocation) including:
  • Comprehensive Azure Review
  • In-depth usage pattern analysis
  • Business needs documentation
  1. Optimise (Tares & Usage) including:
  • Team interviews
  • Business-cloud spend alignment
  • Cost-saving options & ROI analysis
  1. Operate (Continuous improvement & Operations) including:
  • Quick wins implementation
  • Long-term FinOps strategy creation
  • Governance structure establishment

Foundational Cycle:

  1. Inform (2-4 weeks):
  • Review accounts
  • Review resources
  • FinOps maturity assessment
  • Documenting results
  1. Optimise (1-2 weeks):
  • Business needs alignment
  • Saving calculations
  • Business case preparation
  1. Operate (2-3 weeks)
  • Quick wins
  • Strategy preparation
  • Roadmap preparation
  • Monitoring and reporting setup

At a glance