Sirrus Backup - In a Day Implementation

Chrisons Co. Ltd

Stress-free productivity means having a solid contugency plan with no downtime.

Sirrus Backup offers ultra-fast recovery from any point in time with unlimited storage, protecting your and your client's data and metadata from accidental loss or deletion, corruption and malware attacks. Sirrus Backup is a complete solution combining Microsoft OneDrive, Sharepoint, Teams and Exchange and it ideal for any organization that wants to safeguard their valuable data with enhanced level of security.

In a day with Sirrus Backup, our seasoned professionals will provide: • On-demand / Automated backup. • Self-service recovery. • Flexible recovery options. • Unlimited retention.

And most importantly, Sirrus Back up: • is Certified & 100% Compliant. • hosted on Global data centers. • provides 99,9% Uptime.

Additionally, you can enjoy : • User Training • Maintenance • Recovery with Annual Support per active user.

At a glance