Microsoft 365: 4-Wk Zero Trust Assessment

Centric Consulting, LLC

An assessment of an organization's current state security posture for Microsoft 365.

Remote work, hybrid work, the proliferation of personal devices…they all contribute to the new normal of how Microsoft 365 helps organizations remain operational while giving employees the freedom needed during difficult social times. However, this new way of working has placed significant stress on IT security and corporate compliance by extending our once private corporate networks to homes and coffee shops and stressing our capacity to support safe access from outside the firewall. Centric has developed a Microsoft 365 Zero Trust Security Assessment to help organizations determine how best to secure e-mails, files, messages and meetings from corporate-owned and personal devices, while adhering to the compliance demands of highly regulated industries like financial services, insurance, healthcare, and energy and utilities.

Our Zero Trust Assessment helps organizations understand their current security and compliance vulnerabilities; their current Microsoft 365 licensing and potential opportunities for enhancement. The end result provides our clients with a roadmap for deploying and adopting Microsoft 365 capabilities to protect Identities, Devices, Data, and Apps and an enhanced return on their Microsoft 365 investment.

At a glance