Power Apps / Power Automate Flow Migration Service: Assessment

Business Cloud Integration Ltd

Migrate your Power Apps / Power Automate Flows to new tenants with automated configuration using our dedicated migration service.

Moving Tenant due to a merger, a divestment, or just need a fresh environment and you need to bring your Power Apps / Power Automate Flows with you? Manual movement and reconfiguration of Apps/Flows takes up valuable administration time, potentially weeks of repackaging and reconfiguration of connections and content just to get back to being able to use your Apps / Flows.

Why not get the job done through a dedicated tool for migrating Power Apps / Power Automate Flows? Casper365, our inhouse Migration Tool built by Microsoft 365 Experts, for Microsoft 365 Experts, can help your organisation migrate your Apps/Flows with any attached SharePoint data into your tenant with complete efficiency, packaging and migrating your content, and recreating your connections within your Apps / Flows for you using dynamic user mapping. Cut weeks into days* worth of work with automated processes, and prevent working day conflicts as you migrate with overnight migrations.

*This service costing and timeframe is dependent on the amount of Apps / Flows that are scoped for the migration, this service includes:

  • Discovery Workshops
  • Business engagement with App / Flow Owners
  • Migration Setup and Scheduling
  • Migration Work and Servicing
  • Additional Support for early life

At a glance