Employee on-boarding and off-boarding App: 2-Wk Implementation


The app enables HR, IT and other internal teams to manage the Onboarding and Offboarding of an employee. The pre-built PowerApps can be integrated with any HR systems to give a seamless experience.

Mobile app that quickly enables Organization HR team to initiate the Onboarding and Offboarding process. It will provide different teams with Onboarding and Offboarding process checklist which they need to perform. It involves Admin, IT, Finance and Payroll team to act on the checklist. This application can be used by browser and available to Mobile PowerApps application.

Technology Used

  • Power Platform
  • Power Apps
  • Power Automate
  • SharePoint Online

Timeline 2 Weeks

Delivery Bitscape will help you to implement and integrate the business processes with latest technologies like Power Platform which consist of Power Apps, Power BI, Power Automate. As Power Platform builds low-code solutions and uses out-of-the-box connectors which can directly connect with the system which minimize the development and implementation time and efforts.

At a glance