Microsoft Dynamics 365: 5 Day Assessment

BDO Digital Limited

Identify your opportunities to digitise, automate and simplify processes to drive sales and service to unlock value in your organisation

At BDO Digital we work with clients to identify how technology will enable your business processes. Our approach is business-led and designed to uncover your specific needs, how they align with your strategic priorities and map out your specific business and use case for successful implementation and adoption of CRM. Our 5 day approach is detailed below:

Stage 1: Consult & Align: BDO meet with you to identify your organisation’s aligned strategic vision, goals (KPI’s) and challenges, and IT strategy Stage 2: Assess: Rapid assessment of key customer, sales, marketing, data, and reporting processes, tools and challenges Stage 3: Analyse: Analysis and prioritisation of options based on factors including time, resources, benefits & budget Stage 4: Identify Benefits: Define the key benefits available to the organisation and prepare a tailored high level roadmap Stage 5: "To-Be" Business Case: Share findings, options, recommendations, and next steps to unlock value

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