A tailored 15 day modern desktop PoC through developing an understanding of your business requirements, develop a strategy for secure working utilising Windows 10 and Microsoft 365 technologies.
848 will work with you to deploy a tailored 15 day modern desktop PoC through developing an understanding of your business requirements, develop a strategy for secure working utilising Windows 10 and Microsoft 365 technologies, and continually assess and monitor the user experience. This will enable 848 to deliver a successful PoC to the benefit of your organisation and help you transition a cloud managed modern desktop.
Plan Workshop including: Overview of Windows 10 and Microsoft 365 Review of existing customer licensing Review of PoC users Review of application estate Review of existing core infrastructure Review of existing identity and security including Azure AD, AD, Azure Security Services, M365 Security and any 3rd party security products Review of existing client configuration High level design and project plan of PoC implementation
Build Deployment of modern desktop through autopilot to 25 users as per high level design in existing customer Office 365 tenant where applicable Configuration of MS Teams with an initial team to support the PoC Configuration of MEM to deploy Microsoft security baselines Installation and publishing of up to 5 applications and Office 365 Basic implementation of Azure information protection Low level design including as built configuration
Run PoC user onboarding Support 08:30 – 18:00 Monday to Friday during PoC PoC user survey PoC review Next steps