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Apps results for Retail & Consumer Goods
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Intelligent ReachIntelligent ReachGet found by shoppers online, on mobile and in local stores.
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1 out of 60
Mailforce - every email campaign more s.r.o.Mailforce is a complex GDPR-ready platform for designing, sending and evaluating email campaigns.
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2 out of 60
ICE : Remote Workplace SuiteIntertec Systems LLCThis is a Pre-Cursor to Office 365
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3 out of 60
Intershop Progressive Web AppIntershopFast, Faster, Intershop PWA
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4 out of 60
InventogoInventogo CorporationBusiness to Business Cloud ERP for small to medium sized business
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5 out of 60
Business Process Automation with AuraPortal & ICEIntertec Systems LLCZero code iBPM Solution on Azure to optimize processes with Automation and Agility.
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6 out of 60
perfektus oneARVINTThe power of information to accelerate your business
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7 out of 60
MagiX MallMiddle East Network Solutions - IPMagiXEnables malls to gather, analyze information on shoppers and translate findings into revenue streams
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8 out of 60
CriztelIntelizestERP with Purchase, Sales, Inventory, Production, Finance modules & ready REST APIs for integration
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9 out of 60
ICE: Hybrid Cloud Advisory Service Assessment UAEIntertec Systems LLCA Mode 2 Application Aware Estimation of Cloud Modernization ROI while Studying the Consumption Patt
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10 out of 60
KEYRUS - Chatbot CODY - Smart Assistant IntegradoKeyrusPlataforma de conversação inteligente, que permite o rápido acesso a resultados e KPI's
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11 out of 60
Human RisksHuman RisksA complete & updated overview of your security risk management process
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12 out of 60
KoçSistem Managed Cloud Services for AzureKoçSistem Bilgi ve Iletisim Hizmetleri A.S.KoçSistem Managed Cloud Services for Azure offers services to maintain your Azure environment
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13 out of 60
flooWeLeaware S.A.Proprietary solution that enables constant improvement and monitoring of processes of your company
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14 out of 60
oncastLiteScape Technologies Inc.Presentation of Address book on VoIP devices
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15 out of 60
LDC Media ServicesLink DatacenterLDC offers various media streaming solutions that fit the needs of any broadcasting channel
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16 out of 60
SHELFIELakeba GroupSHELFIE minimises inventory stock-outs by identifying empty shelves and alerting staff
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17 out of 60
LiveTiles BotsLiveTilesGet your workplace technology conversing with your people and double down on productivity.
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18 out of 60
CognitivXLeaware S.A.Innovative solution using artificial intelligence algorithms that will help you recognize people.
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19 out of 60
AZULINKLinkbynetGet your application fully managed on Azure - from IaaS to PaaS
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20 out of 60
CRM Retail SolutionLink Development Solution to empower the relationship between retailer and their customers through all interactions
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21 out of 60
LDCOMLogical DataEl sistema LDCOM es una solución completa para manejo y control de su operación comercial.
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22 out of 60
L Squared Corporate TV CMSL-Squared Digital SignageL Squared provides turnkey Digital Signage solutions for corporate TV
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23 out of 60
Enterprise Data MarketplaceLingaroEmpower business users with consumer-like data tools to drive actionable insights
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24 out of 60
Linistry Digital QueueingLinistry Zrt.Best-in-class digital queuing services to generate more revenue and customer satisfaction
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25 out of 60
Automotive Customer PlatformLoyalty Logistix LtdACP is a fully integrated customer platform specialising in the Automotive sector
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26 out of 60
DIM - Digital Incentive MachineMarco MarketingDigital Incentive Program
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27 out of 60
DEM- Digital E learning ManagementMarco MarketingElearning Program
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28 out of 60
Magic xpc Integration PlatformMagic SoftwareConnect the Microsoft ecosystem faster with any other system - across all public and private clouds
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29 out of 60
MagazineMaventionMagazine is an extension of your internal and external communication strategy and offers you the pos
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30 out of 60
SAPUpSystemMayasoft Bilgi Sistemleri A.S.SAPUpSystem enables ERP infrastructure to have a secure DRC system as soon as possible.
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31 out of 60
NonStopDBMayasoft Bilgi Sistemleri A.S.Secure the database servers with NonStopDB packages which include all requirements from end to end .
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32 out of 60
mnuboMnubomnubo delivers IoT analytics & artificial intelligence solutions to connected product manufacturers
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33 out of 60
iPaaS Crosscut PlatformMOSKITOSCrosscut is the Next Gen Integration Platform (iPaaS) to manage data flows in Hybrid IS
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34 out of 60
AGIR Segurança Cibernética - Certificação PCI DSSModulo ServicesSolução para a obtenção de certificação PCI DSS da Módulo.
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35 out of 60
Mojix Retail Solutions SuiteMojixTurn real-time item level data into high-value actionable business intelligence.
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36 out of 60
AIMEEMohawk Group, INC.A platform designed for consumer product brands looking to automate and amplify their business.
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37 out of 60
Vinci360MSRCOSMOS LLPVinci360° for Customer Engagement Analytics
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38 out of 60
Vinci360MSR IT Services LLPVinci360° for Customer Engagement Analytics
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39 out of 60
Credit Control CockpitNAVailableCredit Control Cockpit
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SRI - Small Retail InsightsNeogridSmall Retail Insights helps industries to visualize the performance of products at the neighborhood
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41 out of 60
Namogoo Customer Hijacking PreventionNamogooNamogoo blocks unauthorized injected ads and improves eCommerce KPIs
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42 out of 60
LeasePakNetsol TechnologiesLeasePak CLOUD gives your company access to the same powerful finance solution used by global manufa
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43 out of 60
NFS AscentNetsol TechnologiesNext generation solution for the asset finance and leasing industry
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44 out of 60
NextailNextailAI platform that automates and optimizes core retail operational processes
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45 out of 60
Omnichannel Marketing AnalyticsNihilent Inc.Integrates existing environments and marketing systems to analyze entire marketing performance.
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46 out of 60
Netas Cloud MonitoringNetas Telekomunikasyon ASNetaş Cloud Monitoring
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47 out of 60
SkySignageNGINE NETWORKSDigital Signage platform
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48 out of 60
Demand Forecasting, Prescriptive Inventory ManagementObase A.S.Transform Your Retail Data Into Actionable Intelligence!
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49 out of 60
SensinNEXTONIA SASSolutions to give to know the behavior of customers who visit their physical spaces in real time
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50 out of 60
Fully Managed MongoDBObjectRocketObjectRocket provides scalable, fast, secure, and reliable MongoDB
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51 out of 60
Product Cloud - Advanced FiltersOMNILOGIC INTELIGENCIA S.A.Easy browsing due to offers enriched with standard filters
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52 out of 60
オンネット統合業務(見積・販売・購買・在庫・工数・課題管理)Onnet Systems, Inc.広範囲な機能で業務を効率化。「オンネット統合 業務シリーズ
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53 out of 60
Opencell - Subscription and usage monetizationOpencellMonetize your subscription and usage-based business directly from Dynamics CRM.
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54 out of 60
Tribeware Platformone2tribeSolution to effective change the behaviour of your employees in retail, sales, contact centers.
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55 out of 60
Intelligent Store - Semantic SearchOMNILOGIC INTELIGENCIA S.A.Improve the consumer's experience with a unique semantic search technology
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56 out of 60
Dynamic Pricing by Omnia RetailOmnia RetailDynamic Pricing Software For Retailers And Brands
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57 out of 60
Intelligent Store - Personal ShopOMNILOGIC INTELIGENCIA S.A. Custom Interfaces with Consumer-Driven Offerings
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58 out of 60
Product Cloud - Product MatchingOMNILOGIC INTELIGENCIA S.A.An organized catalog without redundant offers
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59 out of 60
CBX Cloud Private Label Collaboration PortalCBX Software LimitedRetail Private Label Sourcing and Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) Solution
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60 out of 60