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RecoveryTools Kerio Migration ToolRecoveryTools IncMigrate Kerio connect to another server with this most trusted tool for easy and smooth migration.
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1 out of 60
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2 out of 60
CS PPM Power SuiteCampana & Schott GmbHA tool for modern project portfolio management based on Microsoft Power Platform
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Project Service Automation
Power Apps
3 out of 60
Employee Expense ReimbursementNiles Partners Inc.The most ideal tool to reimburse daily expense claims easily!
Applicable to:
Power Automate
Power Apps
4 out of 60
MEGABAU 365Network Dimensions GmbHDie integrierte Gesamtlösung für den Bau
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Business Central
5 out of 60
RecoveryTools vCard Organizer SoftwareRecoveryTools IncA powerful software to manage VCF Contacts with attachments for seamless contact management.
Applicable to:
6 out of 60
Employee SpotlightBEYONDKEYEmployee of the Month, Engagement, Employee Spotlight, HR Updates & Events, Birthdays, Anniversaries
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7 out of 60
Wipro's Smart i-BuildingWipro LtdAn integrated IoT and Intelligent building management solution that runs on Microsoft Azure Platform
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8 out of 60
Praxedo - Field Service Management (FSM)PraxedoField Service Management software, positioned prominently in the Gartner® Magic Quadrant since 2016.
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Business Central
9 out of 60
Rauda AIRauda AIAI Customer service automation
Applicable to:
10 out of 60
BrandOffice Brand Aligned Document GenerationBrandQuantumAutomate and centralize document branding and content for Word, Excel & PowerPoint for Microsoft 365
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11 out of 60
ClueClueClue - Investigation Case Management and Intelligence Software
Applicable to:
12 out of 60
TimeBlocKInfoblock, S.A de C.V.TimeBlocK an intuitive solution focused on improving productivity and efficiency within organization
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13 out of 60
Spotlight Announcements Slider for SharePointSharePointlyDisplay info about Users, Products and Recurring Events like Birthdays & Anniversaries rotation.
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14 out of 60
TakeTaskTakeTask S.A.A mobile application used to assign, execute, and verify tasks for deskless workforce.
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15 out of 60
TraceGainsTracegainsthe leader in supplier compliance, quality management, and new product development software.
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16 out of 60
WhatsDeskSoftJam S.p.A.Book your desk or other building spaces with our app and ensure safety distances.
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Power Apps
17 out of 60
Elfsquad ConnectorDynavisionConnect your Elfsquad CPQ to your production process. Software made for makers, by makers.
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Business Central
Soteria Inspect for Microsoft 365Soteria LLC.Proactive and recurring Microsoft 365 security configuration insight
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19 out of 60
Finance BIAitana Management S.L.Análisis financiero avanzado para Business Central
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Power BI apps
20 out of 60
PowerBPM企業流程管理系統狀態網際網路股份有限公司BPM系統提供完 善、彈性的表單、流程設計工具與報表數據分析,提升工作與加速決策效率。
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21 out of 60
Wegrow-appWegrowThe best practices revolution, powered by AI.
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22 out of 60
RecoveryTools for Office 365 Backup SoftwareRecoveryTools IncThis is the best Microsoft 365 backup tool to easily backup Office 365 data effortlessly.
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23 out of 60
Digital Workplace SafetyStone ThreeIntelligent workplace safety risk identification
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24 out of 60
greymatter Student Lifecycle CRM for Higher EducationFrequency Foundry Inc.Full Lifecycle CRM with functionality for Recruitment, Admissions, Retention & Student Success
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Customer Service
Field Service
Power Virtual Agents
Power Apps
Power Pages
25 out of 60
Addresser Address Lookup & ValidationADDRESSERConfigurable predictive autocomplete, address validation, data cleansing and Aus/NZ DPID appending.
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Customer Service
Field Service
26 out of 60
Zoho TablesZoho Corporation Pvt Ltd.A simple yet powerful work management software to organize data and streamline work processes.
Applicable to:
27 out of 60
SPARK Workflow for Office 365SPARKnit Inc.Create powerful and complex workflows on your tenant visually without writing any line of code.
Applicable to:
28 out of 60
Treasury Management SuiteNIC Systems Inc.Treasury Management Suite adds features to automate Cash Application and Bank Reconciliation.
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Business Central
29 out of 60
LokadLokadLokad optimizes your Supply Chain Decision
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30 out of 60
BVR MedRepBever Systems LLCDigital transformation of the work of a medical representative
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31 out of 60
Foresight EngineAi PaletteA deep insights platform that spots trends and whitespace opportunities across food & beverage
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32 out of 60
Speaker Engage: All-In-One Events Automation PlatformMeylah CorporationSpeaker Engage consolidates event planning tasks, speaker and sponsor curation, and communications.
Applicable to:
33 out of 60
BlueOptima Developer Developer AnalyticsBlueOptimaMarket-leading provider of software developers' productivity, code maintainability and cost metrics.
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34 out of 60
Pine AIPinexlBring the power of AI to Excel
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35 out of 60
Perform+ Stars: AI solution for CMS Stars improvementCitiusTechPERFORM+ Stars is a unique AI/ML- driven solution for Medicare Advantage Plans
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36 out of 60
Software As A Service Offerswww.workasaservice.aiAzure and Power Automate Offers
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37 out of 60
Responsible AI Fitness (RAIF) HubBigspark AIEnables governance and tracking of the roadmap for the responsible adoption of AI.
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38 out of 60
SIROManagement SolutionsEnterprise Governance, Risk Management and Compliance (GRC) Software
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39 out of 60
Track’em – Materials Tracking PlatformTrackem-AUMaterials Tracking, Management and Maintenance platform for capital intensive projects
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40 out of 60
Custom Auto NumberingBiztech Consulting & SolutionsAutomatically set incrementing ID numbers to your Dynamics 365 CRM records for any entity with.
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Customer Service
Field Service
Mixed Reality
41 out of 60
Checklists for D365MiiiA Pty LtdThe ultimate to-do & checklist functionality for Microsoft Dynamics 365
Applicable to:
Customer Service
Field Service
42 out of 60
CertSecure Manager - Certificate Management SolutionEncryption Consulting LLCCertSecure Manager lets you manage all of your certificates in your environment in a single console.
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43 out of 60
XTEL AI Enterprise Revenue Growth & Trade SuiteStepUp RGM IncMaximizing Revenue Growth & Optimizing Trade promotion effectiveness
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44 out of 60
NetReveal® Transaction ScreeningSymphonyAIAdvanced sanctions screening in real-time
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45 out of 60
Health AI247: Streamlined Medical Records & Personalized CareHealthai247Health AI247 enhances access to medical records, boosts healthcare efficiency, and personalizes care
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46 out of 60
Formosa GPTFORMOSA PLASTICS CORPORATIONA FPC-developed knowledge-based GPT insight provider
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47 out of 60
genai-sentiment-analysis-social-mediaSahara Watira for Digital TransformationCustomer Sentiment
Analysis on social media
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KAI Audit ModuleKAI - Knowledge AIKAI Audit helps organizations guarantee high-quality, actionable data for smart decision-making.
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49 out of 60
e-Con CPQe-Con SolutionsReceive orders that look written by an engineer: right specs, right price, every time
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Business Central
50 out of 60
Dynamo | HR - PayrollDynamics Business SolutionsDynamo is an advanced global HR and Payroll solution works within Dynamics 365 F/O
Applicable to:
Human Resources
51 out of 60
24/7 TimeTrackerDavid Boehm, CPA and Company Inc.Time sheet extension that optimizes time tracking for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central
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Business Central
52 out of 60
Quality management for customer interactionsDaisee Pty LtdAutomate contact center quality assurance and risk management using AI-driven speech analytics.
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53 out of 60
LivePerson Conversational CloudLivePerson Inc.LivePerson's Conversational Cloud (LiveEngage) powers the digital contact center with humans & bots.
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54 out of 60
Denodo Data VirtualizationDenodoIntegrate and deliver data from Azure, on-premise and cloud sources in real time without replication
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55 out of 60
WOMS 業務指示コミュニケーションツール菱洋エレクトロ株式会社タスクの進捗が見える!現場の情報を収集できる!現場の負担が軽減!
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56 out of 60's Intelligent Document Processing [IDP]Vue.aiAutomated business workflows, intelligent document extraction, & actionable insights, for ROI.
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57 out of 60
CONAI Management for ItalyAlternaManage CONAI packages regulation in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central
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Business Central
58 out of 60
Red Pine SaaSRandom Forest AB StockholmPersonalization of Content through AI
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59 out of 60
Xyvid ProXyvidXyvid is an engaging, professional enterprise web broadcasting platform for business users.
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60 out of 60