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Apps results for Healthcare
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Applicable to:
1 out of 60
ChainstackChainstackManaged blockchain services making it simple to launch and scale decentralized networks and apps.
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2 out of 60
Stafferi - työvuoro- ja miehistyssuunnitteluStafferi OyStafferi on työvuoro- ja miehityssuunnitteluun erikoistunut SaaS-pohjainen työkalu.
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3 out of 60
Clinical Study InsightSoftura, Inc.Clinical Study Insight is a cloud hosted Azure application for the management of research studies.
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4 out of 60
Customer Experience AnalitycsBIGVIEW SASSolución de analítica e Inteligencia artificial para mejorar la experiencia de sus clientes
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5 out of 60
Greenlight Intelligent Tracking Tags 4ward4WARD S.R.L.Greenlight è un sistema IoT certificato Microsoft Azure per la raccolta di dati georeferenziati
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Virtusa ATLAS Cloud DiscoveryVIRTUSA LTDATLAS Application discovery tool for Azure migration, support Agent and Agentless discovery
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7 out of 60
Digital Twin - ProExactCureThe Digital Twin of your patient to avoid under-doses, overdoses and drug-drug interactions.
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8 out of 60
PepPill® StoreDeevita Technologies India Private LtdPepPill Store is an Azure solution to pharmacy management, business with customers, and much more.
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9 out of 60
Gather Safely™Tamarin HealthCreate the safest work environment through simple, HR and HIPAA compliant health monitoring
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10 out of 60
DonorUADevRainBlood donor recruitment and management system powered by artificial intelligence.
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11 out of 60
PrevisionIO Cloud AI is the next generation of AI SaaS platform
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12 out of 60
ChartWise NotePathChartwise Medical Systems, Inc.Using NLP and AI NotePath helps hospitals improve clinical documentation and reduce claims denials.
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13 out of 60
Incremed GuardIncremed AGIncremed Guard warning surgical personnel when sterility is at risk in the OR
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14 out of 60
ChartWise Advisory ServicesChartwise Medical Systems, Inc.ChartWise leverages our customers' data to provide comprehensive analytics for program management.
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15 out of 60
seavopacsSoftware Service, Inc.HIS-RIS-PACS-Reportをシームレスに連携し、被曝線量管理や地域医療連携にも対応した次世代で必要とされる連携機能をパッケージ化したPACSです。
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16 out of 60
Return to work after Covid-19 lockdownSearchieGet your teams back to work safely after the Coronavirus lockdown with virtual video triage.
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17 out of 60
eva - Enterprise Conversational AIEVERIS-evaeva is the enterprise conversational AI platform, to create and manage your virtual agents
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18 out of 60
Appdome for Microsoft IntuneappdomeComplete a no-code Microsoft Intune Integration to any Android or iOS apps in minutes.
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19 out of 60
MODBI Health Insurance Claims Analytics SolutionMODBIHealth Insurance Analytics for claims processing,provider contracting, benefit plan design.
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20 out of 60
Skybox® Vulnerability Control - Integrated with Microsoft Defender ATPSkybox SecurityEnhanced Vulnerability Management combining Skybox Vulnerability Control with Microsoft Defender ATP
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21 out of 60
Cost Predictor AlgoPackUCARE.AIAward-winning AI-Powered Personalised Medical Bill Estimations
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22 out of 60
Cloudleaf SoftwareCloudleaf, IncSupply Chain Digital Visibility Platform - continuous visibility and intelligence.
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23 out of 60
Healthy You - Your Business Health and WellnessHealthper USA, Inc.Engage your teams into a healthier lifestyle through personalization, coaching, and incentives.
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24 out of 60
OnevaOneva IncOnēva Concierge Care is a Voluntary Employer Benefit that Connects Employees to Caregivers
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25 out of 60
Regional Govt Emergency Response and MonitoringMicrosoft Dynamics 365Regional Government Emergency Response and Monitoring solution
26 out of 60
Multi-cloud management with Max-IT! (India) P LtdFully orchestrated IT operations on the cloud
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27 out of 60
Face Mask Detection API, MaskerizerSC DE VIS SOFTWARE SRLDetects and localizes face masks on human faces covering both nose and mouth on a still photo.
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28 out of 60
Healthy StrideHealthper USA, Inc.Healthy Stride is a 12-week miles tracking team challenge.
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29 out of 60
eICSJuvare, LLCJuvare eICS is a robust cloud-based incident command platform.
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30 out of 60
Miya PrecisionALCIDION CORPORATION PTY LTDGet in contact with Alcidion to learn how we can Make Information Your Asset.
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31 out of 60
Population Health Management as a ServicePhulukisa Health Solutions (Pty) LtdPrimary Health screening and data capturing through a rapid health-risk assessment solution
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32 out of 60
PhlexEview eTMFPhlexglobal LimitedThe leading best-of-breed Electronic Trial Master File management system for clinical trials.
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33 out of 60
SENDSensyne Health Group LimitedA system for monitoring patient vital signs in hospitals
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34 out of 60
BCB Disease Specific Monitoring SolutionsBCB Medical OyBCB Medical is a digital software and medical data company
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35 out of 60
Change and Adoption Tool - EverboardingMA2 Consulting CCEverboarding: A new way to digitise adoption and change management (ACM).
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36 out of 60
Tunstall's Integrated Care PlatformTunstall Healthcare Group LtdTunstall’s Integrated Care Platform (ICP) enables healthcare providers to manage patients remotely.
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37 out of 60
Kubernetes-based container hosting on Azure for any technology stackamazee.ioFully managed enterprise hosting based on Lagoon, an open-source build and deploy platform
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38 out of 60
Quantum Choice (QC) from PLEXISPlexis Healthcare SystemsQuantum Choice for healthcare payers automates, simplifies, and connects healthcare IT ecosystems.
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39 out of 60
Quadient Inspire CXM SolutionQuadient Group AGQuadient’s portfolio of industry-leading Customer Experience Management (CXM) solutions.
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40 out of 60
Indoor Geolocation PlatformPwCPrecise location data, no beacons.
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41 out of 60
RehaVRsilvereye IncLet’s try VR for fun, and take your daily life back.
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42 out of 60
Eggplant EMR AutomationEggplantProvide the best possible patient care with a modern testing approach.
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43 out of 60
Komutel integrates Komand Solution with Microsoft Teamskomutelinc1582792243383Komand is a Call Handling Console created by Komutel
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44 out of 60
AutoCom CleanV-MANNAutoCom Clean is a cloud system for managing mobile tasks.
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45 out of 60
Digital BlanketFlamencoTech India Pvt Ltd.,SMARTer Workplace Solutions
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46 out of 60
COVID-19 Remote Monitoring & ComplianceConnectedLife Health Pte LtdA scalable solution geared for crisis response management
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47 out of 60
Vicenna TelemedicineTechlogix IncA complete digital solution for all your primary healthcare concerns!
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48 out of 60
AmploFly4.0Amplo Global Inc.AI-driven platform to enable an organization to organically achieve Industry 4.0 efficiencies
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49 out of 60
RevWork | Enterprise Learning and PerformanceRevWork, incA SaaS Platform for workforce behavior change on mission-critical enterprise transformation.
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50 out of 60
HYDRA COVID-19 Risk Management PlatformThe Awareness CompanyCOVID-19 Integrated Digital Platform To Enhance Decision Making And Manage Your Risk
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51 out of 60
Health Care SolutionCGY Consulting LLCMIS - can be used by everyone in healthcare from patients to clinicians to public health officials.
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52 out of 60
Temperature Detector API, ThermoquaesitorSC DE VIS SOFTWARE SRLDetects human faces on infrared thermal images and maximum temperature in the eyes zone area.
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53 out of 60
EcoStruxure for HealthcareSchneider ElectricDigital solution for healthcare facilities focusing on sustainability, resiliency, people experience
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54 out of 60
ParrotFIMA SOFT SRLParrot is an operative informational center for patients and doctors and all in between.
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55 out of 60
Bot Foundry in Azure (SaaS)Inetum PolandBotfoundry will enable to build bot's content through the chatbot administration portal.
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56 out of 60
AI-персонализация для сетей аптекLoyaltyLabПерсонализация роста оборота и рентабельности в аптечном бизнесе
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57 out of 60
Covid_19_AssessmentdClinic Pte LtdCovid 19 assessment and solution for providers with admin panel
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58 out of 60
Application Access Governance for Dynamics 365Saviynt IncSaviynt Application Access Governance for Dynamics 365
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59 out of 60
One Identity Manager On Demand Starling EditionQuestSaaS-delivery to take the risk out of enterprise identity governance and administration
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60 out of 60