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Advanced Line Chart (Standard)PBIVizEdit.comVisualize up to 8 measures with different styles of line on dual y axes
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Power BI visuals
1 out of 60
PictureThisApps for Power BI A picture is worth a thousand words, why not use more images in your report?
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Power BI visuals
2 out of 60
Thermometer by MAQ SoftwareMAQ LLCRepresent progress toward goals | PBI certified
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Power BI visuals
3 out of 60
Globe Data BarsJack ButtsAn interactive and customizable 3D globe with data bars & tooltips
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Power BI visuals
4 out of 60
ParaHTMLViewerParadigm BIThis is a single Card HTML Viewer which can display Power BI Data, accept input and submit
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Power BI visuals
5 out of 60
Risk Matrix / Heatmap - LeapLyticsLeapLytics GmbHRisk Matrix: Our Solution for Professionals
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Power BI visuals
6 out of 60
SPC Charts for PowerBIGovernment of Western Australia - Department of HealthIdentify outliers in process data over time
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Power BI visuals
7 out of 60
WooclapWooclapWith its many features and intuitive use, Wooclap turns events into interactive and dynamic learning
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8 out of 60
Summary TableFredrik HedenströmRenders a table with summary rows and make it possible to apply custom styles to any row and column.
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Power BI visuals
9 out of 60
France Map DrilldownData KhiVisual map of France with drilldown functionality to regions, departments, districts and cities
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Power BI visuals
10 out of 60
Power Slider by TME AGTME AGA powerful slider to select a discrete range of numeric or date category values
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Power BI visuals
11 out of 60
LMS365 for TeamsELEARNINGFORCELMS365 for Teams delivers LMS365 Training Courses inside your Teams
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12 out of 60
Animated Treemap by iFouriFour Technolab Pvt. Ltd.Dynamic visualization that displays hierarchical data using nested rectangles
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Power BI visuals
13 out of 60
SmartCite for PapersDigital ScienceCite smarter with ReadCube Papers
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14 out of 60
Animated Bar Race ChartINOVISTA LIMITEDBars are plotted and sorted continuously as they progress through a range of periods.
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Power BI visuals
15 out of 60
flashbi fantailFlashBIFanTail - Interactive sunburst reflecting data hierarchies, relationships and relative values.
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Power BI visuals
16 out of 60
Image GallerypbiCraftImage Gallery visual allows for an easy and straightforward way to upload and display your image
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Power BI visuals
17 out of 60
Impact Bubble ChartInterknowlogy LLCAdvanced bubble chart, used to compare two entities against each other.
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Power BI visuals
18 out of 60
Drill Down Donut PRO (Pin) by ZoomChartsZoomChartsEnjoy interactive drilldowns, user friendly navigation and beautiful design.
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Power BI visuals
19 out of 60
Shutterstock ImagesShutterstockPowerful presentations demand powerful images. Add high-quality images from Shutterstock.
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20 out of 60
Power Automate document automation base kitMicrosoft Dynamics 365Reference implementation of AI Builder, Power Apps and Automate for processing of custom documents.
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Power Apps
21 out of 60
Acterys Table EditManagilityActerys Table Edit enables extensive editing and master data management of tables in Power BI.
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Power BI visuals
22 out of 60
Donut Chart imageData SL ConsultingAdvanced Donut Chart Visualization
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Power BI visuals
23 out of 60
Multilevel Matrix XerppaGestión y Finanzas 365 SLEs un visual de Power BI que ofrece personalización avanzada y manejo detallado de datos jerárquicos
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Power BI visuals
24 out of 60
Dual KPIMicrosoft CorporationEfficiently visualizes two measures over time, showing their trend on a joint timeline
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Power BI visuals
25 out of 60
Live Sports Odds DataoortFetch recent odds for loads of sports and bookmakers at the click of a button
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26 out of 60
Adobe Acrobat for DesktopAdobeCreate, send, sign, and manage documents and e-signatures with Adobe Acrobat for Desktop.
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27 out of 60
Waterfall ChartVisioChartWaterfall chart can be used to see monthly income, expenses, revenues, and current account balances
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Power BI visuals
28 out of 60
Fish Bone Chart for Power BIOffice SolutionA Fishbone chart identifies causes of a problem, categorized into branches, for root cause analysis.
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Power BI visuals
29 out of 60
Slim data bar KPI VisualDellCableA power bi custom visual providing a slim data bar visual for KPI based analysis.
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Power BI visuals
30 out of 60
Candlestick by OKVIZOKVIZ Corp.Presents stock data using a specialized chart made up of several candles.
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Power BI visuals
31 out of 60
Traffic Light - LeapLyticsLeapLytics GmbHTraffic Light Visual: Our Solution for Professionals
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Power BI visuals
32 out of 60
Horizontal Bullet Chart with LabelBusiness Applications :: BACThe bullet chart displays multiple measures in a single visual
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Power BI visuals
33 out of 60
Microsoft Planner: Task Management ReportAddend Analytics LLPGet insights and Track your Projects Progress by using built in Task management report.
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Power BI apps
34 out of 60
Count Down TimerMicrosoft CorporationBasic timer that continuously counts down to a specified date and time
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Power BI visuals
35 out of 60
Dynamics 365 Business Central – SalesMicrosoftThis Power BI application provides sales information in an easy to read visual format
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Power BI apps
36 out of 60
AppSheetappsheetThe app platform for everyone. Give true mobile power to your Excel sheets and business data.
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37 out of 60
Inventory Power BI app for Business CentralMicrosoftVisualize aspects of your inventory processes in Dynamics 365 Business Central
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Power BI apps
38 out of 60
Blackbaud for OutlookBlackbaud, Inc.View constituent information and create email actions with Blackbaud.
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39 out of 60
ExFlow FO - Accounts Payable AutomationSignUp Software ABAccounts Payable and Invoice Process automation for Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operation
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Supply Chain Management
40 out of 60
Omnichannel Power Virtual Agent ExtensionMicrosoft Dynamics 365Power Virtual Agent extension for Dynamics Omnichannel messaging capabilities
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Customer Service
Power Virtual Agents
41 out of 60
Radial chart by Devlup FunnelsDevlup FunnelsRadial bar charts provide a visually engaging depiction of categorical data through their circular l
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Power BI visuals
42 out of 60
AI LensAI LensChatGPT, OpenAI and AI directly in Power BI with a chat interface
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Power BI visuals
43 out of 60
Adobe Creative CloudAdobe Inc.Creative work, meet teamwork.
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44 out of 60
Drill Down Map PRO (Filter) by ZoomChartsZoomChartsExplore location data with powerful on-chart filtering capabilities.
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Power BI visuals
45 out of 60
Drill Down Network PRO (Pin) by ZoomChartsZoomChartsCreate beautiful, easy to explore networks from category-based data.
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Power BI visuals
46 out of 60
Mind Map MakerUniform Software LimitedCreate mind map and organization chart automatically from a node list in Excel.
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47 out of 60
ClassPointInknoe Pte LtdTransform traditional PowerPoints with whiteboard tools, audience polls, and AI-generated questions.
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48 out of 60
Event Table ViewerPro2Future GmbHComparison of event sequence, categorical, and numerical data in an interactive tabular layout.
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Power BI visuals
49 out of 60
Drill Down Scatter PRO (Filter) by ZoomChartsZoomChartsCreate stunning Power BI scatter charts, enhanced by ZoomCharts signature Drill Down experience.
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Power BI visuals
50 out of 60
JobAdderJob Adder Operations Pty LtdView and update Contacts, Candidates, Job Applications and create notes directly from Outlook
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51 out of 60
Pickit | Make impactful presentations in minutesPickitUnlimited access to licensed photos, clipart and your company’s images in PowerPoint.
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52 out of 60
Teamleader email trackerTeamleaderTrack incoming and outgoing email directly to the right contact in your Teamleader CRM.
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53 out of 60
Grid by MAQ SoftwareMAQ LLCNavigate large data sets with ease by showcasing data in a paginated, sortable grid | PBI certified
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Power BI visuals
54 out of 60
Enhanced ScatterMicrosoft CorporationIncludes improvements to the existing scatter chart visual
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Power BI visuals
55 out of 60
HTML VizCreator Flex by BI SamuraiBI SamuraiThis visual can be used for nearly anything.
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Power BI visuals
56 out of 60
Power ON Visual Planner Service (Organizational Store)Power ONEnables planning, data collection and write-back to various data sources from Power BI
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Power BI visuals
57 out of 60
Web Video PlayerMichael SaundersAdd YouTube videos to your PowerPoint presentations or Excel spreadsheets.
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58 out of 60
AdaptiveCardsParadigm BIAdaptive Cards for Power BI
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Power BI visuals
59 out of 60
Ridgeline Plot by PowervizTRUVIZ INCVisualize the trends and distribution across multiple categories as density plots
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Power BI visuals
60 out of 60