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Sonrai Dig - Identity and Data Security PlatformSonrai SecurityContinuously monitors and eliminates data risks while enforcing least privilege and access.
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1 out of 60
Glympse Curbside PickupGlympseGlympse makes tracking, communicating with, and servicing Curbside Pickup customers simple and safe.
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2 out of 60
CumulusPro Proof of Delivery solutionCumulusPro Pte LtdHelps supply chain management operators capture and validate large volumes of delivery notes.
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3 out of 60
SalesOnAutomatizaciones Industriales y de Oficina de Tlaxcala, S.A. de C.V.Maximiza las oportunidades para ganar clientes
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4 out of 60
BlueThink GOSEALABA service that allows you to access your fish farm from anywhere, anytime.
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5 out of 60
Digilytics Revel FS solution built on MS AzureArimon Ltd.AI product to revolutionise loan origination by bolting on to existing POS, LOS, CRM.
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6 out of 60
HROpsBI4ALLHROps is an online platform where your employees can manage their HR activities anytime
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7 out of 60
Smart Eye TechnologySmart Eye Technology Inc.Cyber security and Privacy protection for businesses sharing data.
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8 out of 60
Dynamics 365 Business Central - Sales AISwiss Business Analytics GmbHThis Power BI application provides sales information in an easy to read visual format.
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Power BI apps
9 out of 60
Konsolute Kolumbus - AI Driven Data Discovery ToolKonsoluteVisualise your organisation’s structured and unstructured data
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10 out of 60
BeSight NowBeSight srlVertical ERP solution for manufacturing sector focused on Fashion & Luxury core processes
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11 out of 60
SkeyetechAZUR DRONESDrone-in-a-box solution for surveillance and inspection
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12 out of 60
CGI SatSightCGI IT Czech Republic s.r.o.Platform for automated Earth Observation based monitoring of infrastructures.
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13 out of 60
架空送電線の異常箇所検知AIテクノスデータサイエンス・エンジニアリング株式会社送電線を撮影した動画を用いて送電線のサビなどの異常箇所をAI技術(Deep Learning)によって検出するAIサービス
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14 out of 60
Oracle to Oracle on Azure VM Migration AcceleratorTeleran Technologies, Inc.Oracle to Oracle on Azure VM Migration Accelerator Automates, Accelerates, Optimizes Migrations.
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15 out of 60
Prodware Customer Hierarchy acceleratorProdware GroupHelping you increase productivity and improve how your business deals with customer groups
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Supply Chain Management
16 out of 60
peopleGoalsGRUPO INTERMARK 96 SOCIEDAD LIMITADAPlataforma de gestión orientada a soportar los procesos de fijación y valoración de objetivos.
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17 out of 60
on.scorePOINCENOT TECHNOLOGY STUDIO S.APlataforma all-in-one para crear y expandir el negocio de préstamos
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18 out of 60
Axity aMonitorAxityPlataforma que ayuda a las organizaciones a regresar a los lugares de trabajo de una forma segura
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19 out of 60
Business BotCambay Consulting LLCAI-powered enterprise Bot to increase support efficiency, enhance customer experience
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20 out of 60
Hitachi Solutions Engage for Private EquityHitachi SolutionsBuild the Right Relationships for Success
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Customer Service
21 out of 60
StoreVue Store BIAdvantechStoreVue Store BI - Business intelligent dashboard designed for store management.
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22 out of 60
IN Data Manager DKInnova Advanced ConsultingIN Data Manager DK is the solution that allows modifying or removing system records
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Business Central
23 out of 60
FIS Commercial Loan ServicingFISCommercial loan servicing solution that manages all financial and non-financial compliance.
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24 out of 60
DynPromoAlxia Consultoria e innovaciónGestión de promociones de venta para Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central
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Business Central
25 out of 60
ArchiveMASHBluesource North AmericaLeverage Microsoft Azure to migrate your legacy archive data from anywhere to anywhere.
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26 out of 60
Lasso AI video interview and Assessment Tool鼎恒數位科技股份有限公司Rapidly and accurately target talented people and put the right person in the right place.
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27 out of 60
Industrial Visual SolutionBraventA machine vision solution that offers automated inspection and analysis based on images
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28 out of 60
Predictive Modelling and Capacity Planning ToolSAAL Operating Systems Sole Proprietorship LLCModel and predict pandemic outcome & assist in health resource planning (beds, ICU, medication etc.)
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29 out of 60
Commissions Management for ItalyAlternaManage salesperson commissions in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central
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Business Central
30 out of 60
PrivitarPrivitarPrivitar protects customers' sensitive data so they can extract the maximum value from it.
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31 out of 60
Cloud_DB_DoctorSCSK Minoriソリューションズ株式会社データベースのモニタリング機能に加えプロフェッショナル サービスが利用できる!
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32 out of 60
Solteq Commerce Cloud: Hardware independent POS solutionSolteq OyjLooking for a comprehensive Point-of-Sale solution that doesn't slow down your business growth?
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33 out of 60
JOIN CollaborationDecos Information SolutionsCollaborate on files with anyone, share and edit in real-time effortless while keeping full control.
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34 out of 60
Real Estate SuiteAgic Technology S.r.l.Gestione dei processi di business di società operanti nel settore del Real Estate
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Business Central
35 out of 60
Provide™: Cloud Management PortalCloud DirectA complete cloud management tool for customers to analyse, forecast and much, much more.
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36 out of 60
Ynomia Connected Jobsite (MS Marketplace)Ynomia Pty LtdAccurate, reliable and automated construction data in real-time.
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37 out of 60
Asset NotificationCybertech Systems & Software, Inc.Automate Defect Notification and Correction Workflows, Powered by Microsoft Azure
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38 out of 60
eCare VaulteCare Vault, Inc.A Digital Workflow Bridge and Secure Collaboration For Critical Support and Time-Sensitive Action
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39 out of 60
Omnitive Extract - PayslipsTaiger Singapore Pte LtdExtract information from payslips quickly and accurately.
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40 out of 60
Export Import Incentive Schemes in IndiaIntech Systems Pvt Ltd.Power your global position with streamlined Export Import Incentive Schemes. Level up now!
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41 out of 60
Docuten eSignInnova Advanced ConsultingDocuten eSign will allow you to send & sign PDF documents through Docuten online platform
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42 out of 60
Onna eDiscovery for Microsoft 365OnnaOnna delivers defensible data collection, search, and early case assessment for Microsoft 365
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43 out of 60
Cisco Edge IntelligenceCisco Systems, Inc.CEI runs on Cisco’s industrial networking simplifying connectivity for distributed industrial assets
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44 out of 60
iBinder foundationIbinder abUser friendly information management platform for all stakeholders in the construction industry.
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45 out of 60
Striim VM SubscriptionStriim, Inc.Striim VM Subscription
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46 out of 60
Vendavo Pricing IntelligenceVendavopowers the shift to digital business unlocking value, growing margin and accelerating revenue
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47 out of 60
ABC Client AnalysisBismartSegment and analyze your client portfolio contributing to the company's turnover and profitability.
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48 out of 60
HelloDataJLK GroupTotal data management platform for AI learning data processing(AI 학습데이터 가공을 위한 토탈 데이터 매니지먼트 플랫폼)
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49 out of 60
Counterfeit Protection with Track & TraceArvato SystemsIT solution for serialization and traceability of consumer goods
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50 out of 60
iQualify - online training and educationiQualifyCreate courses. Engage learners. Assess instantly. Connect seamlessly.
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51 out of 60
Pilbara Insights for Higher EducationABM TECHNOLOGIES AUSTRALIA PTY LTDYour Outsourced Activity-Based Costing Experts in Higher Education
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52 out of 60
IN Data Manager USInnova Advanced ConsultingIN Data Manager US is the solution that allows modifying or removing system records
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Business Central
53 out of 60
GP Cloud Xcelerator Program - ManufacturingGreenpages, Inc.A blueprint that gives you the power to scale public cloud workloads with velocity
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54 out of 60 Trade FinanceCLEAREYE.AI, INC.Automates Trade Finance Operations and Compliance Screening
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55 out of 60
CloudMoyo Rail Contract Management (CRCM)CloudMoyo IncDigitally transform your contracts to accelerate commerce, mitigate risk, and maximize ROI
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56 out of 60
Professional Services – Data & AINEC AustraliaA Data and AI practice with rapid, Agile delivery of Data Analytics, IoT and Artificial Intelligence
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57 out of 60
App marcaje presenciaGregal Soluciones Informáticas, S.L.Permite a las empresas tener un mayor control sobre las tareas de los trabajadores.
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58 out of 60
Dynamics 365 for Customer EngagementYokogawa Votiva SolutionsDynamics 365 for Customer Engagement
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59 out of 60
Optimiza-AGMproOptimizaThe leading system for holding Assembly General Meetings remotely.
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60 out of 60