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Apps results for Sustainability
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ZeroC: Emissions Management Appadesso SESaaS for CO2-neutral building portfolios and sustainable facility management based on Azure & AI
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1 out of 60
Blockchain Traceability, Authenticity and CxvlinderBlockchain based Authenticity, Traceability, Provenance and Customer engagement for Brands
Applicable to:
2 out of 60
Aerial Waste Detection APISC DE VIS SOFTWARE SRLDetects waste in an aerial photo of the ground or sea using AI and cloud infrastructure.
Applicable to:
3 out of 60
SAS® Energy Cost OptimizationSAS Institute Inc.SAS ECO helps to achieve a reduction of energy consumption, CO2 emissions and CO2 certificate costs.
Applicable to:
4 out of 60
Sizing Solved - no questions askedZizr ASNext Generation Shopping Experience
Applicable to:
5 out of 60
tegossuite - North AmericaITA WMS CorporationWaste and Recycling Software for North America
Applicable to:
Business Central
6 out of 60
KimboCare, The Marketplace for Health ImpactKimboCare SAGet traceable social outcomes from your health impact funding - and enjoy zero greenwashing risk.
Applicable to:
7 out of 60
ESH Clouds 環安雲威煦軟體開發有限公司Safety for All. 讓環安衛管理變得簡單、快速、有效。
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8 out of 60
Fexillon PlatformINTEGRATED FACILITIES SOLUTIONS LIMITEDFexillon supports Owner Operators with the delivery and management of Buildings and Infrastructure.
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9 out of 60
HCLTech Solution for Intelligent Sustainability Operations (NIO)HCL America Inc_HCLTSolution for Sustainability operations for Industry
Applicable to:
10 out of 60
YDISTRIYDISTRI, SEWe optimize sales of underperforming retail stock.
Applicable to:
11 out of 60
Dyo CROMEDYOCENSE TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITEDRetail refrigerator predictive monitoring
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12 out of 60
Digital Environmental Label (EAD)GIUNKO SRLA smart solution for medium and small brands to comply with the environmental labeling of products.
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13 out of 60
dyo fleetDYOCENSE TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITEDFleet Fuel Management, Fleet Maintenance and Fleet Bench Marking
Fleet Data-Driven Insights
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14 out of 60
Footprint Data ManagementNexer Data Management ABProduct Environmental Footprint includes many types and categories of data
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15 out of 60
Dyo FleetDyocense IncFleet Fuel Management, Fleet Maintenance, Fleet Benchmarking, Net Zero, Drive Analytics
Applicable to:
16 out of 60
IB LogisticIBERMATICA SAN SEBASTIAN ERP para la gestión logística de empresas de Transporte de mercancías
Applicable to:
Business Central
17 out of 60
Gemini Portal+Volue Technology ASHigh-end modern tool for operation and planning for water and waste water infrastructure.
Applicable to:
18 out of 60
Niagara Data ServiceTridiumAzure cloud ingestion & storage of semantically enriched IOT data using open architecture framework
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19 out of 60
PIPP.AI (Property Information Power Platform)Build-Apps Pty LtdThe ultimate independent data-driven commercial real estate management platform.
Applicable to:
Power Automate
Power Virtual Agents
Power Apps
20 out of 60
FarmCloudAgri SolutionsPlatforma wspierająca e-commerce dla branży rolnej
Applicable to:
21 out of 60
Sustainability Manager - Automatic Scorecard and Goals creation by Cluster ReplyReplyA solution for the automatic creation of scorecard and goals in Microsoft Sustainability Manager.
Applicable to:
Power Automate
Power Apps
22 out of 60
Environmental, social and governance (ESG)SOFTOOLS LIMITEDSoftools No code - ESG strategy for Net-Zero, supply chain, opportunities for improvement, outcomes
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23 out of 60
Biocode - Carbon footprint calculator that makes senseBiocode OyBiocode is the carbon footprint calculator for food brands, producers and farmers.
Applicable to:
24 out of 60
CHRISS (Compliance, Hazards, Risk, Inclusivity & Security)Build-Apps Pty LtdCHRISS is the ultimate risk tool giving a layer of transparency never before seen. (
Applicable to:
Power Automate
Power Apps
25 out of 60
green.screen | Arvato SystemsArvato SystemsNachhaltigkeitsmanagement leicht gemacht - mit green.screen als einzigartiger End-to-End-Lösung
Applicable to:
26 out of 60
ADAMM (Asset Database for Audits & Monitoring Management)Build-Apps Pty LtdADAMM helps property professionals manage assets, audits and expenditure forecasts.
Applicable to:
Project Operations
Power Automate
Power Apps
27 out of 60
Smart Industry Readiness IndexInternational Centre for Industrial Transformation LtdBoosting Industry 4.0 adoption with SIRI to drive transformation of global manufacturing.
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28 out of 60
Planon Workplace InsightsSchneider ElectricWorkplace analytics solution for Professional Workplace Strategists, Facilities Managers & Occupants
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29 out of 60
SERGII (Social Environmental Resilience Governance Indices Improver)Build-Apps Pty LtdSERGII offers insights on your ESG database, allowing businesses to better manage their assets.
Applicable to:
Power Automate
Power Virtual Agents
Power Apps
30 out of 60
LARAA (Legionella and Associated Risk Analysis Assessor)Build-Apps Pty LtdLARAA keeps tabs on Legionella risk and other potential WHS hazards in your property portfolio.
Applicable to:
Power Automate
Power Virtual Agents
Power Apps
31 out of 60
PAMM (Project Analyst & Metric Manager)Build-Apps Pty LtdPAMM creates a clear snapshot of all project details and statuses across the property portfolio.
Applicable to:
Power Automate
Power Virtual Agents
Power Apps
32 out of 60
PERCIEE (Product Evaluator for Resource Costs Impacts & Embodied Emissions)Build-Apps Pty LtdPERCIEE is a library for all product, material and chemical details, regulations and life cycles.
Applicable to:
Power Automate
Power Virtual Agents
Power Apps
33 out of 60
Smart Scaler - The First Generative AI Autoscaling Tool for KubernetesAvesha, Inc.A gen AI tool for predictive K8S horizontal pod autoscaling cost optimization and app SLA guarantees
Applicable to:
34 out of 60
VisionAgro CultivosGregal Soluciones Informáticas, S.L.Solución para productores agricultura. Gestión de tratamientos y cuaderno de explotación
Applicable to:
Business Central
35 out of 60
Argus Advanced Deforestation Monitoring SolutionArgusEU Deforestation Regulation compliance; leveraging advanced Machine Learning and satellite imagery
Applicable to:
36 out of 60
NorthWhistle Whistleblowing SolutionNebulr ABThe whistleblowing solution for a healthier org and full EU compliance - Try free - Set up in 15 min
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37 out of 60
Eco Ville - the app to communicate with citizensECO SOLUTII ONLINE SRLAutomate and simplify government environmental communication with citizens
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38 out of 60
Topo Solutions - Supply Chain Management PlatformTopo Solutions LimitedTopo is a supply chain platform for remote collaboration, process automation, and advanced analytics
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39 out of 60
Ignite ProcurementIgnite Procurement ASLeading platform for strategically managing your supply chain and environmental footprint
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40 out of 60
R-Planner - Dispatch ApplicationECO SOLUTII ONLINE SRLAutomate and optimize your waste collection routes with R-Planner
Applicable to:
41 out of 60
TwinWorX® Centralized Monitoring and Control of Facilitiese-Magic Inc.Meet Sustainability Goals: Monitor, Visualize, Control and Optimize assets
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42 out of 60
Real time IoT building intelligence and control platform with integrated suite of applications for sustainability, smartFM, IAQ, Data Centers and mission critical systems, occupancy, climate controlsGreen Koncepts Private LimitedReal time IoT building intelligence and control platform to digitalize for sustainability and FM
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43 out of 60
Tekmon ESG & Sustainability ReportingTEKMON P.C.Tekmon empowers companies to collect data smarter, report better, and streamline their ESG journey,
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44 out of 60
Power MESEOS SolutionsMonitor and manage in real time every production stage with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central
Applicable to:
Business Central
45 out of 60
Contractia - Plan BásicoAltdi SRLGestiona tus documentos digitales y obtén la firma electrónica avanzada de los firmantes.
Applicable to:
46 out of 60
Kweevo Supply ChainKweevoKweevo is an AI-Powered Supply Chain & Carbon Intelligence Platform for businesses.
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47 out of 60
ClimateCamp - sustainability platformClimateCampThe most collaborative sustainability platform for managing supply chain environmental impacts.
Applicable to:
48 out of 60
Power MES Machine DriversEOS SolutionsCollect machine/PLC data send to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central using Azure IoT
Applicable to:
Business Central
49 out of 60
RealGreen (Sustainability - Scope 3 Emission Tracking)Real Variable Digital Assetservices Pvt. Ltd.Sustainability - Scope 3 Emission Tracking featuring CO2e and several other environmental parameters
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50 out of 60
RealGreen (Sustainability - Scope 3 Emission Tracking)Real Variable Digital Asset Services Inc.Sustainability Scope 3 CO2e and other environmental parameters tracking
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51 out of 60
tegossuite - document de transport françaistegosgroupLa solution complète pour la gestion des documents transport déchets et du recyclage français.
Applicable to:
Business Central
52 out of 60
Accessibility Feedback SystemAccess EarthHelp your business improve accessibility for people with disabilities
Applicable to:
53 out of 60
Decarbonisation CompassPricewaterhouseCoopers Business Services S.r.l.The PwC's solution empowers firms to compare emissions scenarios and find optimal Net Zero plans
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Power Automate
Power Apps
54 out of 60
Power Components CoreEOS SolutionsA set of plugins and components to be used creating manufacturing specific solutions
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Power Apps
55 out of 60
Meylah Cosell Event SolutionMeylah CorporationIndustry-proven Cosell-Ready event management system for your Marketplace-Ready Solutions.
Applicable to:
56 out of 60
EarthWalletHANDPRINT TECH PTE. LTD.Build your own rewards program around high-quality, trackable impact projects loved by your users.
Applicable to:
57 out of 60
Thing-it Smart Building and Workplace PlatformTHING TECHNOLOGIES GmbHSpace management and workplace experience integrated with Microsoft 365 and Microsoft Power BI
Applicable to:
58 out of 60
Data TrackOdysseus DigitalOrganize data in columns and rows to enable full secure control across the organization.
Applicable to:
Power Apps
59 out of 60
BuildingMinds PlatformBuildingMinds GmbHThe digital brain that lets you drive the performance of your real estate portfolio
Applicable to:
60 out of 60