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Apps results for Telecommunications & Media
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GDi Ensemble A3GDi D.O.O.Maximize your return on investment with effective asset management!
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1 out of 60
PegPegco LtdInfluencer marketing software for performance-driven companies.
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2 out of 60
Fabrikthe immedia ecosystemFabrik
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3 out of 60
Agencia Virtual de CobranzasInceptia AIAutomatiza la Gestion de Cobranzas Preventiva, Mora Temprana y Mora Tardía con bots de Voz y Chat
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4 out of 60
Crisis Management ApplicationSystems LimitedManagement system for handling crisis, keep your team safe, productive and well informed.
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Power Apps
5 out of 60
stickersMojiLaLa60k+ sticker library to build engagement whether it's in chat, email or video.
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6 out of 60
Vault-ERPRare CrewVault-ERP is a cloud-based resource planning software.
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7 out of 60
Planner Aggregator (PAG)EMRIS, spol. s r.o.PAG provides a manager view of all plans and tasks in your company at one place.
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8 out of 60
TORP.Tremend Software ConsultingTORP is a modular digital onboarding & origination platform.
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9 out of 60
Imperf Teams Direct Routing Contact CentreImperf Consulting LimitedSBC, Contact Centre, teams, collaboration, Teams, Direct routing, omni-channel, ivr
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10 out of 60
Conversational AI Chatbot for businessMindtitan OÜDesigned to maximize first contact resolution and increase sales.
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11 out of 60
リテールメディア開発 OMOソリューション「AIBeacon/AITag」AdInte co.,ltd来店ユーザー分析や来店販促リテールメディア開発による収益化まで実現
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12 out of 60
Digital BSSNetCracker TechnologyEnable Digital Business With Cloud-Native BSS
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13 out of 60
Digital OSSNetCracker TechnologyDriving Operations Innovation in a Digital World
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14 out of 60
Python escaperGlueo, s.r.o.An online tool for Python string literal escaping & un-escaping, for software developers and admins
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15 out of 60
Olos ChannelOlos Tecnologia e SistemasPlataforma Omnichannel de automação de atendimento ativo, receptivo e blended
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16 out of 60
InMobi Telco CloudInMobiLaunching Telco industry’s first End-to-End Ad-Cloud in a box for global Telcos & Mobile OEMs
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17 out of 60
Optimus Charging as a ServiceNEURAL TECHNOLOGIES (UK) LIMITEDCloud-Native solution handling any level of charging complexity within a multilevel tariff ecosystem
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18 out of 60
5G-ready AI-enabled Network Operations: AVA/AzureCNS SaaS - Nokia of America CorporationOptimize & Automate the Network with Nokia’s 5G-ready AI-enabled Network Operations w/ AVA on Azure
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19 out of 60
Easy AnalyticsClaritech (Pty) LtdA branded portal powered by Power BI allowing you to disseminate dashboards/reports
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20 out of 60
iZooto - Owned Audience Marketing PlatformDatability Technologies Pvt LtdBuild, Engage and Retain your audience using web push notifications. Drive repeat traffic & revenue
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21 out of 60
CLEVAS - 学習動画共有プラットフォーム株式会社フォトロン動画へのコメント/評価書き込み、共有・分析機能を搭載した配信システム
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22 out of 60
Cognitive Mining SolutionAnalytikus, LLCUnlock valuable information lying latent in all your content.
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23 out of 60
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24 out of 60
Office365 Workplace IndexWRKPLC B.V.The Office365 Workplace Index analyzes the improvements in the daily work of your employees
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25 out of 60
Guest Access Control (GAC)EMRIS, spol. s r.o.Grant, manage and review the guest access easily.
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26 out of 60
Sarafan Tech objects' recognition in streamingSarafan Technology, Inc.Sarafan: AI-based features for streaming services
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27 out of 60
datom Checklist: fancy checklist functionalitydatom GmbHA fancy to-do & checklist functionality, with groups and logs, for Dynamics 365.
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Customer Service
Field Service
Project Service Automation
Project Operations
28 out of 60
BlueSales (CRM для соцсетей)BlueSalesCRM для соцсетей и мессенджеров (ВКонтакте, Одноклассники, Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp)
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29 out of 60
BOTCHAN for LP株式会社wevnal会話をしながら商品の理解を深める事ができる対話型LPと広告のパッケージ。ユーザーが広告をクリック→チャットボットが出現し、商品やサービス内容に関してユーザーと対話 レコメンドしCVさせます。
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30 out of 60
Microsoft Teams Direct RoutingQUBIC Group PLCReplace your traditional phone system with Microsoft 365 using Teams
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31 out of 60
AppMarket Ecosystem EditionAppDirectExtend the value of your core solutions with a commerce-enabled ISV ecosystem Marketplace
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32 out of 60
SymendSymend Inc.Delivering hyper-personalized digital experiences based on the science behind consumer behavior
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33 out of 60
Pointzi Onboarding for Web and Mobile AppsDealsta Pty LtdOnboard and Activate users to your Apps with code-free guides, FAQs, tips, popups, videos & feedback
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34 out of 60
Infinite InsightsInfinite Analytics India Pvt LimitedAI powered marketing platform to efficiently acquire customers at scale.
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35 out of 60
Remitter PlatformRemitter USA IncorporatedStreamline digital outreach & payments in your collections process using AI and best practises.
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36 out of 60
Stimulus Relationship Intelligence Platform (SRIP)Stimulus, Inc.We empower companies to make data-driven purchasing decisions across the supply chain.
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37 out of 60
ITVT Stadtwerk365ITVTIndustry-specific standard CRM for the energy industry with best practices for small and medium-size
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Customer Service
Field Service
Project Service Automation
Customer Voice
Project Operations
Power Automate
Power Virtual Agents
Power Apps
38 out of 60
GalleriesLaunchmetricsMaximize editorial opportunities & manage digital assets for Fashion, Luxury and Beauty industry
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39 out of 60
The Bot PlatformThe Bot Platform LtdA no-code bot building platform that allows you to easily build work tools for Microsoft Teams
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40 out of 60
Openet PCC (Policy & Charging Control)Openet Telecom Sales LtdCommunication networks (telco) policy control and charging functions combined
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41 out of 60
Mavenir Business Messaging SolutionMavenir SystemsRich Communication Services (RCS) Messaging-as-a-Platform (MaaP) solution for Operators and Partners
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42 out of 60
Maritime Control CentreSkylab HoldingMCC is an integrated communication platform that focuses on digitalisation for the maritime industry
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43 out of 60
OPC PolicyOpenet Telecom Sales LtdTelco network quality of service and quota (usage) control for operators enabling 5G and IoT
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44 out of 60
Eureka AI - SpectrumEureka AIAzure Cloud AI platform for Mobile Network Operator Data Monetization.
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45 out of 60
Jobful Career PlatformPLAYFUL SOFTWARE SRLBuild your candidates a gamified smart experience with Jobful and empower your recruiting team.
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46 out of 60
radcom_aceRADCOMAutomated 5G assurance platform with AI-driven insights for standalone 5G network operations
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47 out of 60
Content Distribution to AffiliatesHarmonic IncUse the power of the cloud to deliver your linear channels to all your affiliates, everywhere
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48 out of 60
Personalized TV ChannelsHarmonic IncLeverage cloud computing and AI to deliver compelling and personalized TV experiences.
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49 out of 60
Broadcast in the CloudHarmonic IncMigrate your on-premises broadcast operations to a powerful, cloud-based solution with confidence.
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50 out of 60
Fridai Gamer Messaging AI Gaming UGGame publishers can reach out to gamers in a more efficient, custom tailored way
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51 out of 60
Bunnyshell DevOps PlatformBunnyshellManage your Azure VM infrastructure using a cloud platform that automates DevOps tasks.
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52 out of 60
Cerillion BSS/OSS SuiteCERILLIONPre-integrated product suite for mobile, fixed, cable and multi-service communications providers
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53 out of 60
ARMISARMISSave money while increasing in-store traffic | SaaS, AI, RetailTech
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54 out of 60
CarmaCarma, Inc.Foundational Network and Data Center Inventory links Sales, Revenue, Expenses and CRM to Assets
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Customer Service
Power Apps
55 out of 60
Event Management Solution for Dynamic 365Visionet Systems, IncIntegrated solution for Dynamic 365, streamline virtual or physical large-scale events efficiently.
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Power Apps
56 out of 60
Care@Home Senior Independent LivingEssence GroupCare@Home™ Enhanced Senior Telecare Services Platform for service providers
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57 out of 60
Phonexia Voice VerifyPhonexia s.r.o.The voice biometric verification solution for contact centers that can verify customers in 3 seconds
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58 out of 60
Virtual Sales AdvisorAiola LTDA Virtual Analyst connects business users to data & AI through a user-friendly chat in Teams
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59 out of 60
Hourglass InsightsHourglass Software LLCSee what your emails are about at a glance using Natural Language Processing!
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60 out of 60