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Apps results for Healthcare
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Wovenware Custom ChatbotWovenwareCustom built chatbot solutions, that can integrate with other systems.
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1 out of 60
Welch Allyn® RetinaVue® Care Delivery ModelHill-RomRetinaVue care delivery model helps healthcare providers preserve vision of patients with diabetes.
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Virtual Queue SolutionWinWire TechnologiesManaging customer flow within any store and minimize physical queues.
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3 out of 60
Intraprise Health Digital Front DoorIntraprise HealthBranded Mobile App for health systems with one stop shopping for all patient facing apps.
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4 out of 60
PlantScannerPLANTSCANNER DESENVOLVIMENTO EM TECNOLOGIA E GESTAOGet ready for industry 4.0 with PlantScanner. Plan and control your production process from anywhere
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5 out of 60
営業支援システム MR-Navi株式会社シーエーシー大手、中堅 製薬企業10社以上の導入実績をもとにしたベストプラクティスを提供
MRの知識と経験を最大化するニューノーマル時代のオールインワン SFA/CRM
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ClinicalWorks/ADR on AzureDXC Technology Japan, Ltd医薬品・医療機器の安全性情報管理システム
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7 out of 60
GDm-HealthSensyne Health Group LimitedPrescribed digital therapeutic for remotely managing pregnant women with diabetes in pregnancy.
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8 out of 60
CUBIKA Conver - Intelligent Enterprise ChatbotDigital DialogueTransform your Business & Maximise Outcomes with Conversational AI
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9 out of 60
Preptalk ChatbotCentific Global Solutions Inc.the platform for agents to assess servicing skills, know performance, and needs for training
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10 out of 60
Sayint SaaSTech Mahindra LimitedSayint transforms customer conversations into valuable insights on Azure Cognitive Services.
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11 out of 60
ACSIS Cloud Based Traceability SolutionsAcsis, Inc.A supply chain traceability system-of-record
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12 out of 60
Context To CallV Group Consultancy Services Private LimitedCALL, TEXT, and EMAIL directly from your website!!
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13 out of 60
Rainbow Secure Passwordless LoginRainbow SecureColorful, Stylish, Hasslefree, Passwordless way to Reduce Risk, Liability & Protect Sensitive Logins
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14 out of 60
Tick And Bite Recognition APISC DE VIS SOFTWARE SRLRecognize ticks and its bite marks from an input photo.
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15 out of 60
Bever Pharmaceutical ManufacturingBeverCRM LLCSoftware for R&D, production, GMP compliance in pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies
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16 out of 60
ic Managed M365INVENTCLOUD TECNOLOGIA LTDAGerenciar Soluções do Microsoft 365.
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17 out of 60
CellTrust SL2 SMB – Mobile Capture, RecordkeepingCellTrustCompliant and secure mobile communication for regulated industries
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18 out of 60
Bottomline Healthcare eCapture and PreCaptureBottomline Technologies Inc.Simple, Safe eSignature on Patient Forms – Any form. Any device. Any where.
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19 out of 60
Shop Book and Pay™Change HealthcareImprove upfront collections and to attract new patients with a healthcare ecommerce platform
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20 out of 60
SaaS Dataguise Data Discovery + ProtectionDataguise Inc.Personal data discovery and protection – OnDemand SaaS for all of your Cloud Data.
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21 out of 60
Scissors Staffing ManagementJitbugSpeed up your temp staffing with a simple and elegant design that anyone can use intuitively!
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22 out of 60
Meddo HealthMeddoA one stop shop for clinic management solutions, including medicine dispensing, diagnostics and EHR.
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23 out of 60
ScanDiagsBalzano Informatik AGThe ScanDiags software service provides AI for augmented diagnosis from musculoskeletal MRI.
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24 out of 60
indicda medicalONEDFC Systems GmbHMedizinische Spracherkennung aus der Cloud.
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25 out of 60
AI.SEEelunic AGAutomatisiertes Qualitätssicherungssystem durch K.I.-betriebene Bilderkennung
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26 out of 60
Real Estate Assisted Living - Community HubDomain 6 Inc.Community safety and effective emergency management
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Power Apps
27 out of 60
ClearstepClearstep IncA chatbot triage tool that routes patients to the right place of care depending on their symptoms.
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28 out of 60
SilhouetteARANZ Medical LimitedSilhouette is a suite of products for imaging, measuring, and documenting skin lesions and wounds.
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29 out of 60
HealthQX Offering v.1Change HealthcareHealthQx analytics optimize network designs transform clinical guidelines and improve engagement
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30 out of 60
Gamified Microsoft Teams TrainingAttensi ASLearn how to be efficient and productive with Microsoft Teams in a fun and engaging way.
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31 out of 60
tesai-engagementTesai Tecnologia da Informação SA.Your health in your hands
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32 out of 60
ThinkAndor®Andor HealthEnterprise, Cloud-based solution to enable Value Driven Virtual Health
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33 out of 60
OlinquaOmnesse Pte LtdOlinqua is an integration and workflow solution to better enable a hospital workforce.
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34 out of 60
DoctorHelper®PartnerHelperThe Ultimate EHR
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Customer Service
Field Service
Mixed Reality
Power Apps
35 out of 60
EXO CDM - Centro de Diagnostico MovilEXO S.A.EXO CDM es una solución para facilitar el diagnóstico médico en forma remota.
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36 out of 60
Verto HealthVerto Inc.Interoperability & Care Coordination Digital Twin Platform
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37 out of 60
AI Medical Search EnginePOSOSOutils d'aide à la prescription et à la médecine personnalisé
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38 out of 60
Safe AutoLogonWM Software Inc.256-bit AES automatic logon, with passwords synched to Active Directory.
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39 out of 60
FairWarning User Monitoring for Office 365FairWarningFairWarning helps you establish a culture of security, privacy, and compliance.
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40 out of 60
Safe_AutoLogon_Password_ServerWM Software Inc.Centrally manage Active Directory passwords for Safe AutoLogon client software.
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41 out of 60 GmbHAnonymization of personal data - documents, images, videos, speech and medical data
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42 out of 60
Holographic HealthcareSopra Steria Norway3D, Mixed Reality, HoloLens, Healthcare, Hospital, holographic medical imaging, Medical Holography
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43 out of 60
Care@Home Senior Independent LivingEssence GroupCare@Home™ Enhanced Senior Telecare Services Platform for service providers
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44 out of 60
Chmura Zdrowotna: Integracja z P1PENTACOMP SYSTEMY INFORMATYCZNE S AIntegracja z e-receptą i e-skierowaniem dla placówek medycznych, aptek i producentów aplikacji.
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45 out of 60
ADAPT ForecastREPL GroupUse ADAPT Forecast to produce the ideal labour model and strategically reduce costs.
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46 out of 60
Komutel integrates Komand with Microsoft TeamsKomutel inc.Call Handling Console
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47 out of 60
TIMEA the chat botTOTAL SOFT SAYour new colleague from HR
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48 out of 60
Customer Portal for Local GovenmentIEG4 LtdCustomer Portal enables councils to maximise digital transformation channel shift.
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49 out of 60
KAISPECareKAISPE LLCStreamline and Automate the Healthcare Experience with KAISPE e-Health App
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Power Apps
Power Pages
50 out of 60
OneWindow Workplace for HealthcareWithum Digital - OWSimplifying the Roll-Out and Adoption of Office 365
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51 out of 60
XBridge: Healthcare Integration PlatformXBridgeQuickly deployable healthcare integrations across your organization or provider network at scale
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52 out of 60
WInsights for Animal HealthcareWinWire TechnologiesData-driven insights to improve animal well-being & sustainable growth for animal health businesses
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53 out of 60
Pixel Mobile - Clinical UploaderMedialogix LtdProvides an easy to use mobile interface for Clinical Photography within a healthcare environment.
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54 out of 60
SnapclaritySnapclarity.comVIrtual Mental Health Care for the workforce
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55 out of 60
Industry Business Solutions for Healthcare powered by Microsoft FabricWipro LtdWipro's value-based care Apps on the Industry Business Solutions for Healthcare powered by Microsoft
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56 out of 60
Enterprise File ServicesDracoon GmbHDRACOON – File Services - GDPR file transfer
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57 out of 60
Bleepa Teams NHSXFeedback Medical LimitedBleepa is the digital imaging communications tool of choice at your fingertips
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58 out of 60
BigHand - Workflow ManagementBigHandBigHand - Workflow Management
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59 out of 60
Hospital Scheduling PlatformPetalMDPetalMD develops solutions to improve the efficiency of health establishments and access to care.
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60 out of 60