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Apps results for Healthcare
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MODBI Health Insurance Claims Analytics SolutionMODBIHealth Insurance Analytics for claims processing,provider contracting, benefit plan design.
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1 out of 60
Skybox® Vulnerability Control - Integrated with Microsoft Defender ATPSkybox SecurityEnhanced Vulnerability Management combining Skybox Vulnerability Control with Microsoft Defender ATP
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2 out of 60
Cost Predictor AlgoPackUCARE.AIAward-winning AI-Powered Personalised Medical Bill Estimations
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3 out of 60
Cloudleaf SoftwareCloudleaf, IncSupply Chain Digital Visibility Platform - continuous visibility and intelligence.
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4 out of 60
Healthy You - Your Business Health and WellnessHealthper USA, Inc.Engage your teams into a healthier lifestyle through personalization, coaching, and incentives.
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5 out of 60
OnevaOneva IncOnēva Concierge Care is a Voluntary Employer Benefit that Connects Employees to Caregivers
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6 out of 60
Regional Govt Emergency Response and MonitoringMicrosoft Dynamics 365Regional Government Emergency Response and Monitoring solution
7 out of 60
Multi-cloud management with Max-IT! (India) P LtdFully orchestrated IT operations on the cloud
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8 out of 60
Face Mask Detection API, MaskerizerSC DE VIS SOFTWARE SRLDetects and localizes face masks on human faces covering both nose and mouth on a still photo.
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9 out of 60
Healthy StrideHealthper USA, Inc.Healthy Stride is a 12-week miles tracking team challenge.
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10 out of 60
eICSJuvare, LLCJuvare eICS is a robust cloud-based incident command platform.
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11 out of 60
Miya PrecisionALCIDION CORPORATION PTY LTDGet in contact with Alcidion to learn how we can Make Information Your Asset.
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12 out of 60
Population Health Management as a ServicePhulukisa Health Solutions (Pty) LtdPrimary Health screening and data capturing through a rapid health-risk assessment solution
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13 out of 60
PhlexEview eTMFPhlexglobal LimitedThe leading best-of-breed Electronic Trial Master File management system for clinical trials.
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14 out of 60
SENDSensyne Health Group LimitedA system for monitoring patient vital signs in hospitals
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15 out of 60
BCB Disease Specific Monitoring SolutionsBCB Medical OyBCB Medical is a digital software and medical data company
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16 out of 60
Change and Adoption Tool - EverboardingMA2 Consulting CCEverboarding: A new way to digitise adoption and change management (ACM).
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17 out of 60
Tunstall's Integrated Care PlatformTunstall Healthcare Group LtdTunstall’s Integrated Care Platform (ICP) enables healthcare providers to manage patients remotely.
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18 out of 60
Kubernetes-based container hosting on Azure for any technology stackamazee.ioFully managed enterprise hosting based on Lagoon, an open-source build and deploy platform
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19 out of 60
Quantum Choice (QC) from PLEXISPlexis Healthcare SystemsQuantum Choice for healthcare payers automates, simplifies, and connects healthcare IT ecosystems.
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20 out of 60
Indoor Geolocation PlatformPwCPrecise location data, no beacons.
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21 out of 60
RehaVRsilvereye IncLet’s try VR for fun, and take your daily life back.
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22 out of 60
Eggplant EMR AutomationEggplantProvide the best possible patient care with a modern testing approach.
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23 out of 60
Komutel integrates Komand Solution with Microsoft Teamskomutelinc1582792243383Komand is a Call Handling Console created by Komutel
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24 out of 60
AutoCom CleanV-MANNAutoCom Clean is a cloud system for managing mobile tasks.
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25 out of 60
Digital BlanketFlamencoTech India Pvt Ltd.,SMARTer Workplace Solutions
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26 out of 60
COVID-19 Remote Monitoring & ComplianceConnectedLife Health Pte LtdA scalable solution geared for crisis response management
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27 out of 60
Vicenna TelemedicineTechlogix IncA complete digital solution for all your primary healthcare concerns!
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28 out of 60
AmploFly4.0Amplo Global Inc.AI-driven platform to enable an organization to organically achieve Industry 4.0 efficiencies
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29 out of 60
RevWork | Enterprise Learning and PerformanceRevWork, incA SaaS Platform for workforce behavior change on mission-critical enterprise transformation.
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30 out of 60
HYDRA COVID-19 Risk Management PlatformThe Awareness CompanyCOVID-19 Integrated Digital Platform To Enhance Decision Making And Manage Your Risk
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31 out of 60
Health Care SolutionCGY Consulting LLCMIS - can be used by everyone in healthcare from patients to clinicians to public health officials.
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32 out of 60
Temperature Detector API, ThermoquaesitorSC DE VIS SOFTWARE SRLDetects human faces on infrared thermal images and maximum temperature in the eyes zone area.
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33 out of 60
EcoStruxure for HealthcareSchneider ElectricDigital solution for healthcare facilities focusing on sustainability, resiliency, people experience
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34 out of 60
ParrotFIMA SOFT SRLParrot is an operative informational center for patients and doctors and all in between.
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35 out of 60
Bot Foundry in Azure (SaaS)Inetum PolandBotfoundry will enable to build bot's content through the chatbot administration portal.
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36 out of 60
AI-персонализация для сетей аптекLoyaltyLabПерсонализация роста оборота и рентабельности в аптечном бизнесе
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37 out of 60
Covid_19_AssessmentdClinic Pte LtdCovid 19 assessment and solution for providers with admin panel
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38 out of 60
Application Access Governance for Dynamics 365Saviynt IncSaviynt Application Access Governance for Dynamics 365
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39 out of 60
One Identity Manager On Demand Starling EditionQuestSaaS-delivery to take the risk out of enterprise identity governance and administration
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40 out of 60
Capsule SaaSCAPSULE TECHNOLOGIECapsule Medical Device Information Platform
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41 out of 60
Edison Datalogue ConnectGE HealthcareConnect the community through patient-centric collaboration and advanced care coordination.
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42 out of 60
iMentorMENTOR INNOVATIVE SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT SOLUTIONSA Virtual Assistant for Ophthalmologists, Eye Hospitals, Opticians and Optometrists.
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43 out of 60
ConnectingCare platform and external care management teamTamarin HealthScale your team and reduce unnecessary visits with an external team and integrated telemedicine
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44 out of 60
Owkin StudioOwkin FranceOwkin Studio brings the power of AI to medical researchers
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45 out of 60
EPICA PlatformEPICAMachine Learning platform to improve people's experiences delivering predictions.
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46 out of 60
FORECAST SquaredLinear Squared (Pvt) LtdBuild 1000s of highly accurate forecasting models in a few simple clicks
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47 out of 60
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48 out of 60
Extract handwritten text from various formsEngagelyAi Private LimitedExtracts handwritten information from customer on-boarding forms or similar documents
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49 out of 60
TeleSlide® PathoTribun HealthNext-generation Telepathology solution for remote case review
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50 out of 60
xLM iLink Continuous Validation SolutioniLink Systems, Inc.Our Continuous Validation solution leverages Microsoft apps and services to Life science customers
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51 out of 60
Halza AppHALZA pte ltdeHealth mobile solution for patients and medical professionals
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52 out of 60
SAFHIRNewwave Telecom and Technologies, Inc.SAFHIR is a PaaS offering designed to accelerate the ROI
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53 out of 60
Advantasure Administrative Solutions PlatformAdvantasureAdministrative technology solutions to help health plans navigate the complexities of delivery
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54 out of 60
Hexplora Healthcare AnalyticsHexploraA Population Health product that includes Data Management, Quality Measures and Risk Stratification
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55 out of 60
MediGuru Tele-Health PlatformCloudiXImplement a secure HIPPA compliant tele-health service and sign up for free.
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56 out of 60
Data360 DQ+Infogix IncData360 enables a data catalog, business lineage, and intelligent data quality in a single platform.
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57 out of 60
COVID-19 Voice Screenerthreshold.worldThe COVID-19 Voice Screener PowerApp reduces infection risk by screening using voice technology.
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Power Apps
58 out of 60
Meru DataMeru Data LLCSolutions for Information Governance and Data Maps
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59 out of 60
Return to Workplace SolutionWinWire TechnologiesMonitor your employee health through self-screening health solution built on the MSFT Bot framework
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60 out of 60