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Apps results for Energy & Resources
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CargoValueKlaveness DigitalAn intelligent logistics platform for industrial companies sourcing raw materials by sea
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1 out of 60
AnaliticaMESAA new way of working for the «finance» team: collaborative, proactive, comfortable.
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2 out of 60
DictumPro AI Predictive Operation and MaintenanceNETGAS RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT SRLPredictive-prescriptive solution for improved industrial process and asset operability
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3 out of 60
AdmoduNet AI Optimal Pipeline Network OperationNETGAS RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT SRLDynamic multiphase simulation and real-time operation, monitoring, optimization and cost minimizatio
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4 out of 60
Tasken Project ManagementOpus SolutionOffice365 Tasken Project Management system
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5 out of 60
Teams IdeasDLN Consultoria e Informatica LtdaEnterprise platform for Capex management and innovation management.
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6 out of 60
Journyx Project Time Tracking for DynamicsJournyxSmart time & expense tracking for projects, billing, and payroll that syncs data with Dynamics 365
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7 out of 60
Reekoh Industrial Integration CloudReekohReekoh provides agile enterprise integration of all physical and digital assets
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8 out of 60
MOLOS.CLOUDREDNT S.A.Complete framework for fast and automated building of IoT platforms.
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9 out of 60
TDox App Creator: Work Order, Work Report, QuoteSeltris s.r.l.TDox is the no code Business App Creator for Work Orders, Work Reports, Quotes and Forms
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10 out of 60
Uptale Immersive Learning PlatformUptaleUpskill your employees at scale and reduce training time with Virtual Reality
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11 out of 60
WizataWizata S.A.The open architecture platform to optimize & automate the production process with AI in real time.
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12 out of 60
SOMGROUP SALTÓLa gestión de operaciones inteligente para tu empresa de mantenimiento con técnicos de campo.
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13 out of 60
ABB Ability™ Condition Monitoring for powertrainsABBSuite of solutions - from devices, software to services for motors, drives, pumps, mounted bearings
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14 out of 60
RHINO: A Drilling IoT Sensor & Edge DeviceDataCloudHelping teams meet their production goals with real-time orebody analytics.
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15 out of 60
Audix Cloud For AzureMRE Consulting, Ltd.Visualize your Operational Risks, Complete Cloud Asset Visualization & Unused Resources
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16 out of 60
ABB Condition Monitoring for Measurement DevicesABBCheck asset health remotely and build a maintenance strategy based on real-time findings
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17 out of 60
Sales & Service For ManufacturingIntech Systems Pvt Ltd.A CRM solution crafted for manufacturing, driving excellence in sales and after-sales service.
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18 out of 60
CRM to OnlineDonaubauer AGMigration without intermediate update directly from CRM 2011-2016 to Dynamics 365. Short downtime.
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Customer Service
Field Service
19 out of 60
Nomad eCommerceNomad eCommerceSeamlessly share data between your eCommerce site and Dynamics
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20 out of 60
Onesait EfficiencyMinsaitTechnology to make energy, gas and water consumption more efficient.
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21 out of 60
EBKF ManagerBKF sp. z o.o.Universal solution for remote monitoring of machines and their operator performance.
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22 out of 60
Dashboard de Gestão - Gerenciamento de CustosCOMPUTÉCNICA TECNOLOGIA LTDADashboard de gestão de custo no Azure desenvolvido para facilitar seu gerenciamento no Azure
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23 out of 60
Diagramics Visual Automation for Azure IoT CentralDiagramicsExtend your Microsoft Azure IoT Central solution with real-time contextual visualizations
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24 out of 60
PaymentKnox™nsKnox Technologies Ltd.Protects corporations and banks against cyber-fraud carried out by insiders or outsiders
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AI-powered Process Automation PlatformKI group GmbHIncreasing the level of automation by using Microsoft AI
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26 out of 60
Adapt2 B2BAdapt2 SolutionsAdapt2 B2B is the leading software for ISO Market Participants
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27 out of 60
Cradlepoint NetCloud Edge ConnectorCradlepointCradlepoint NetCloud Edge Connector for Microsoft Azure IoT Central
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28 out of 60
Adapt2 GreenAdapt2 SolutionsAdapt2 Green enables management of contracting, operating, interfacing, & settling renewable energy.
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29 out of 60
TAM ProSecured Smart Systems Company SoftwareTAMPro is an advanced web application that automates employee time & attendance tracking.
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30 out of 60
HCMatrix PayrollSnapNet LimitedGet a robust payroll system that allows you to process payments faster and more accurately
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31 out of 60
Cloud Based ITSM and Field Management ToolNORTEL NETWORKS NETAS TELEKOMUNIKASYON A.S.ITIL and MOF Compatible ITSM and Field Management Solution by NETAS
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32 out of 60
Incident ManagementSafety Software LimitedIncident Management Software for organisations of any size in any industry
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33 out of 60
Audit ManagementSafety Software LimitedAudit Management
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34 out of 60
Smart Generator MonitoringAvnet Inc.AI-based Smart Diesel Generator Monitoring solution can help you guard your business continuity.
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35 out of 60
AVEVA™ InsightAVEVAEverything you need to monitor, maintain and improve your production output
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36 out of 60
TEKORA 4I SystemАО ТЕКОРА4I is your IT solution for managing ideas, proposals and innovations.
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37 out of 60
Novo Workforce ManagementDisruptive AdvantageIncrease efficiencies and productivity with comprehensive workforce management.
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38 out of 60
AwareIntertek AIMIntertek Aware is an Asset Integrity Management System
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39 out of 60
Territory Manager : The sectoring solutionNOMADIAGeographical sectoring for better team organization
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40 out of 60
SafeWorkPro Safety Management - Big and SmallSafeWorkPro Pty LtdPhone app - Live Data - Keep your crew safe
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41 out of 60
Novunex PlatformNovunexSimple and intuitive business process low-code / no-code solution.
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42 out of 60
ATL-SaaS-TITAN LIMSAccelerated Technology Laboratories IncATL offers TITAN LIMS as a Software-as-a-Service deployment option.
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43 out of 60
ATL-SaaS-Sample Master LIMSAccelerated Technology Laboratories IncATL offers Sample Master LIMS as a Software-as-a-Service deployment option.
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44 out of 60
Mobile Safety SoftwareSafety Software LimitedAVA Mobile allows users to conduct audits, report incidents and observe safe and unsafe acts.
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45 out of 60
Aucerna PortfolioAucernaBrings together data & the business context to address decisions involving risk or uncertainty.
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46 out of 60, IncImprove industrial safety with AI by helping every employee better engage in safety every day.
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47 out of 60
Tasken BPA - Office365 Business process automation approvalOpus SolutionEasy to setup process definition & approval workflow automation align with organization chart
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48 out of 60
Milliman Complex Risk Analysis (CRisALIS)Milliman LLP A next-generation cyber risk solution.
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49 out of 60
e-tenderEVERTEAM-GSStreamline and improve the tendering process with Everteam
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50 out of 60
Supply Chain Optimization by River LogicRiver LogicAdvanced analytics empower users to optimally balance complex trade-offs across their supply chain.
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51 out of 60
ShareAspace - Design to ManufacturingEurostep ABShareAspace is an easy-to-use product information sharing platform in the cloud.
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PView - Solar Asset ManagementPrediktor ASAsset Management Solution for Utility-sized Photovoltaics
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53 out of 60
Kespry Perception AnalyticsKespry Inc.Kespry Perception Analytics: Harness the Value of Complex, Industrial Imagery and Video Data
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54 out of 60
OTEA - IoT para la gestión energética multisiteEcomanagement TechnologyLa solución IoT líder para la gestión remota de la producción y el consumo energéticos
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55 out of 60
Toami on AzureNSW株式会社IoTサービスを開発・構築するための専用プラットフォーム
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56 out of 60
Human Logic - Corporate LMSHuman Logic Software LLCHuman Logic offers Corporate Totara Learn LMS for Small, Medium to Large enterprises.
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57 out of 60
Supply Chain Optimization Solution and West MonroeRiver LogicBusiness experts model your data to discover insights and drive strategy with prescriptive analytics
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58 out of 60
HARMAN OTA Solution for IoT devicesRedbend Ltd.Enabling IoT device manufacturers and service providers to patch and enhance their device fleets!
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59 out of 60
SmartProceduresApplied Training ResourcesSmartProcedures is an all-in-one specialized procedure management system
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60 out of 60